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Parenting Issues

By July 10, 2019May 15th, 2024No Comments

You are your child’s first and most important teacher. You teach your child their morals and values, you lead by example, and you instill in them their place in the world. Wow, that’s a whole lot of responsibility, isn’t it?

Help is at hand. There are a range of strategies and ideas to help you navigate your way through the minefield of parenting. Recognizing opportunities to open up conversations about values and morals can arise when reading stories, watching TV or observing behavior in everyday life. Teaching children to recognize emotions and to empathise with others show the child how they are expected to behave. These and other ideas help children develop the skills to play a positive role in society.

Margaret McDonald has over 30 years of experience with children. She can help you understand which stage of development your child is at and what to expect. Margaret can help you define the values and morals that work for your family and show you ways to achieve these goals. To make an appointment to see our Professional Psychologist, please phone our office on 3862 8833.