Bullying comes in all shapes and forms. It can be physical – pushing and shoving, psychological – name calling, spreading rumours and exclusionary – leaving someone out of games or groups. Now days, bullying doesn’t stay in the school yard either. With the widespread use and popularity of the internet and mobile phones, bullying often follows children home, intruding on their ‘safe place’.
Bullying causes distress and can lead to anxiety and depression. Often children are reluctant to tell parents and teachers that they are being bullied, for fear of being labelled a ‘dobber’ or feeling that in some way they deserved it. Some signs that your child may be being bullied can include not wanting to go to school, being quieter than normal or being more emotional than normal including teary episodes and angry outbursts.
If you think your child is being bullied, it is important to address the issue immediately. You are your childs best advocate. Speak with teachers and the principle at your school and ask for help. Listen and support your child, as they work through their own feelings, and teach them how to be assertive. Seek help from a trained professional psychologist, who can teach both you and your child strategies to deal with bullying behavior.
Margaret McDonald can teach you and your child the skills needed to combat bullies and make school life much easier. To book an appointment or make enquiries phone 07 3862 8833