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Child Self Esteem

By July 10, 2019May 15th, 2024No Comments

Self-esteem is the shield we send our children out into the world with. It is liking themselves and feeling like they have a place in the world where they belong. Self-esteem is about acknowledging your strengths and accepting your weaknesses. Self-esteem builds resilience and helps children cope with day-to-day problems and disappointments.

Children who have low self-esteem can develop behavioural problems, stress related issues and anxieties. They have little believe that they are worth something and are reluctant to try new things because they believe they will fail. They sometimes feel like they don’t belong anywhere.

As parents, we can help to develop a child’s self-esteem. Spending quality time with our children, helping them develop their skills and encouraging them to learn new ones without being pushy shows that you have faith in your child’s abilities. Involve your children in family rituals and chores to give them a sense of being needed and valued within the family. And of course, tell them that you love them, enjoy their company.

One of the most important strategies though, is to like yourself. Children watch and learn from you, so appreciating who you see in the mirror teaches them that self-esteem is desirable and achievable.

You may find that you need to speak with a trained professional to teach your family strategies for improving self-esteem in both you and your children Margaret McDonald can teach you and your child the skills you need to boost your self-esteem and teach your children to do the same. To book an appointment with our Professional Psychologist or make enquiries phone 07 3862 8833